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What We Watchin’.

I always love the visits with my parents when we haven’t seen each other for a little while because the question always comes up—“what shows should we be watching right now?”.  During dinner we get all excited to try to sell each other on “the greatest new show ever”. I feel like I start in with that “I still want to impress my parents and say something profound” kinda way. Talking about cinematography, actor presence and ability, brilliance…. But not really. Nobody buys that from me. Really isn’t it just awesome when you like something and then somebody else does too?


The hot shows on the boob tube in our house are highlighted below for your perusal. We live in the “when it rains it pours” at our house. We either have five shows we are fighting to watch one at a time of once babies are tucked in (or at least we think and hope), OR we get all up-to-date and start passively re-watching episodes of Gold Rush. Which- we dig, but those are not shows you re-watch. Mind gets a little numby.


SO- we are either in the mix of or just caught up on:

Ozark: I can’t give enough amazing credits to this show. Not to mention my itty bity crush on Bateman ;) A good ol Midwestern family has to go (save and) restart their life (and all the scoop that comes with this) in a new town. There is some darkness for sure. It is JUST. SO. INTERESTING. The way the story unfolds just pushes you to wonder— “Seriously, who thought of this? OR WAIT- this is probably based on different threads of truth—and the world is whack.” Just amazing. Laura Linney is a bad ass like I’ve never seen her. (*Much of it is actually filmed in Georgia, which is a fun side note for my native cronies.)

Ray Donovan: Speaking of Dark. Oh, and small crushes– This is the more “present day” Soprano style show. But in LA. (With a hint of my favorite genre “Southy by Marky Mark” (but this is without Marky.)  I loved how the Sopranos had the heavy, gripping mafia storyline with a really nice balance of family life (albeit often dark also). This has all of that, ‘but ‘cept’ (as my daughter says) Ray is a Hollywood “fixer” helping celebrity scandals disappear at hefty costs. It’s rock solid. Also- I repeat- NOT a kid’s show.

Silicon Valley– Time to lighten it up a little! Love the “bro-hood” comradery and the realistic start-up tech business scenarios these guys are constantly stumbling into. Always so interesting since I know nothing about that poppin’ industry. The cast alone can sell it, though I will heavily endorse it for some easy watching and laughs.  

The Mick– Since it stars my female comedic idol, I had to check it out. Dee from Always Sunny does not disappoint. An Aunt from the …ahem…”other side of the tracks” has to step in as guardian to a very entertaining household crew in Greenwich, CT. It’s kinda that same humor as Always Sunny; gently dark around the edges, but mostly just super hysterical.

Curb your Enthusiasm: Obbbbbviously I don’t need to say much about this, but just in case you were/are way late to the game (like I was on this)—there were a whole 2 seasons just sitting, waiting to be viewed that I had missed. Just caught up and face hurts from laughing. I admit I lost interest for a little bit with some of the prior storyline a few years back, so the last season made up for it full fledge. (Is that the expression?)

When solo, you can catch me getting painfully bored of The RH franchise on Bravo (yet still sticking with it when I can). I’m easing off that Bravo-ship—unintentionally actually—just growing up, I guess ;) (Except for the total exception of seeing my pals on Southern Charm Savannah— coming soon!)

I’m also a frequent viewer of  Odd Mom Out, VeepThe Goldbergs (such fun 80’s throwbacks for the whole family!),  Divorce (can’t tell if I love it yet, but the cast is so incredible and I love SJP anything—especially her style in this).

So I know many of these are old timey– it’s tough to stay current when your tv time is dominated by rascals.  Though when you do get the time, it’s good to be fired up to play catch up! No time to waste when kiddies are in bed and you only have the energy to press ‘play’.

Everyone says I need to be watching The Crown, so I’m putting that top of the list- although sometimes I get lost in period pieces. I’ll do my best! I’ve heard it tis quite fantastique.

As for movies, the Hubs and I pride ourselves on finding the most random independent film with a high Rotten Tomato rating. Then off to thinking we are so hipster and wicked wise all weekend. Either those or surf/extreme sport documentaries— which then have us wondering what the heck we are doing with our lives.

So the other weekend, instead, we searched for a blockbuster of sorts. We landed on American Made. While I am not a fan of the Tom Cruise I have seen in interviews and well, real life, I can’t lie— I have loved most any movie he has graced. This one was no different and I loved that he was kind of a show pony and not the smartest tool in the shed. (*As a rule, I love most any movie with internal corruption on a government/law enforcement level (Read: The Departed). (Oh and that said, as aforementioned, anything  Marky Mark “Southy” touches. I just do.)

So- American Made “reads” a lot like the format of Netflix’s Narcos (another household favorite), and tells the (true) story of a “regular joe” pilot “hired” by the CIA during the Reagan Era for some juicy “errands” and dealings with the Medellin drug cartel. It was very entertaining. And sweaty.

And finally- one great (tolerable?) kid suggestion if you haven’t stumbled across this– Spirit Riding Free. It’s one of those you just don’t mind listening to (over and over and over ;).

And what to see soon:  I can’t be tempted enough by the glowing reviews (from my 9 year old nephew TBK!) of The Greatest Showman.  We hope it delivers. Welcoming any mom tips on getting kiddos to sit through an entire $88.25 endeavor of a movie outing. Load up on sugar or use to bribe for later? Everyone in a diaper? Straight jackets and bungee cord belts for seats?

Either way, it shall be survival of the fittest. (And best of luck– for parents– and those seated next to us.

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