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D is for Dynamite.

How is everyone faring today? With the full moon’s rising barely behind us, I’m a little foggy today myself. This full moon snuck up on me, so I didn’t even have time to make up excuses for crazy behavior and poor sleep. However, I did in fact sleep terribly thanks to some ill at ease kiddos. While I can’t blame my fog entirely on the moon (or was it the moon that made my natives restless?), I’ll go ahead and point the finger that direction, as I like to hold someone or something accountable.

So if you are suffering from a little slow-moving this Tuesday, a little suggestion– that will most likely have our mothers and mother’s mothers gasping –is to get out in the sun. The sun has endless benefits if used wisely. Obviously there are many scary risks if over exposed and not protected. I’ll let you be the adult and navigate what amount is best for you. (There are sun apps that help you calculate how much you should have to reap the benefits based on skin type, location, etc….even telling you when to flip over if sunbathing!)

The majority of mainstream articles you’ve perused have banished humans from sun exposure. I’m here to champion our friend the sun and make sure we get enough of it. In some more hip, health-minded journals, you’ll find the idea is to get around 15 minutes of direct sun exposure 3-4 times a week –preferably before 11am and after 4pm when the sun’s a little less harsh.

Mr. Golden Sun has a laundry list of beautiful perks. From helping us fight bacteria and fungus, providing improvements with eczema and psoriasis, it can greatly assist in the clearing of blemishes and acne. My most favorite attribute of some fun time in the sunshine is that it can leave you energized and more positive in the mood department. I know I’m happier when the cushier parts of me are more tan (but I’m definitely not allowed to promote “tan” :). I digress….

As I’m no doctor, medically speaking, I dare say the greatest benefit of  sun exposure is the link to Vitamin D production. Vitamin D (and supplements) has taken a head seat at the popular table, and SO many of us are deficient and need to ramp up our intake. (Big ups to a best gal pal JHB on pointing this out to me!)  Vitamin D is generated from direct contact with the sun’s rays. So your closed sunroof doesn’t count. Also, some (most) sunscreens block the UV rays needed for this production. So if you’re stepping out for a (healthy) soak-up fest, bare if you dare. Aim for direct contact with those rays. (I can feel my mother reaching for the phone to blast me on this right now! And of course “cut off my allowance” as she did back in the day when I would come home sunburned. Which I would reply with, “but mom I don’t get an allowance?”…to which she would just clenched teeth mumble something about being “grounded for life”.  She was right to be upset! The sun is a dangerous beast if you don’t read the directions.)

If you’re not into soaking up the healthy rays here and there, then look into a supplement (again, I’m not a doctor, so you can ask yours or get a blood test to be really cautious—(rule followers unite!)  Although a supplement is a good idea anyway, as, I mentioned, most folks are far deficient in the D Department (and most foods do not offer it in their natural make-up). If you’re down with improving your immune system (back to the bacteria and cancer fighting agents), fighting osteoporosis, plumper skin cell production, aiding in digestive benefits, and mood elevation, get down with the D. (When purchasing, reach for D3 for all of those good benefits.) *And side note, even kids benefit from the supplement (run it by your pediatrician);  learn em’ early. There are gummies, but mine like the little dropper option (again thanks JHB :)….it’s easy for them, and kinda fun.)

Hi-Po Emulsi-D3™– This is the dropper version (for adults; maybe kiddos) that has a “pleasant taste” :) Tuck it in your purse or man-satchel.

Nature Made® Vitamin D3 2000 IU – Gel capsules, if preferred. Trusted brand and high user ratings and reviews.

Vitamin D3 VESIsorb – Non-gel capsules that ranked high among users. Also I may have read that Kate Hudson digs this line….so, like, if it’s good enough for Kate…..

Here’s to you and hoping you find a way to soak up your Vitamin D-ynamite one way or another this week.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. LOVE this and couldn’t agree more. RF has some great Vitamin D supplements too! So thankful though that we live in Savannah, living in the northeast was awesome in so many ways but I NEED sunshine!!!

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