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R U an RF?

So R U an RF? What is an RF you ask? An RF is a Rule-Follower. And I am not. But that’s ok. I own it. It’s not even really my fault as I come from a long line of non-RFs. The term “Rule Follower”, coined by one of my favorite RFs (Shout out CCW!–who may not claim to be one alllllll the time;), is sort of an umbrella term that applies to those that really have their lives together and seldom miss a beat. In general, they hover around the speed limit, they don’t wear white jeans after Labor Day, they never lose their phone, rarely lose their keys (or sunglasses!), they don’t cut through parking lots at red lights, and their school forms are always in on time– and neatly organized to boot (without any spills or rips). I need more of this in my life; it just doesn’t come naturally to me.

I was reflecting on my crew of life long besties and family-besties, and I really have a healthy balance of RFs and non-RFs. I would think you would know which one you are. I’d like to think we bring out the best in each other. And look—even if you are thinking in your head that you know which one you are, we are all prone to bending and swaying on occasion. Even I like to be punctual, return a shopping cart to its proper carousel and write a thank you note “PDQ”. Yet, for the most part, I’m breaking rules/facing hiccups on the reg. It’s not out of disrespect— it’s like, genetic.

A little proof… My great grandmother (my grandmother Ma Mere’s mother) was sitting at home opening mail one day when she received the Randolph Macon newsletter where Ma Mere was attending college at the time.  In it, she saw an ad posted by her daughter. Ma Mere was selling all of her cashmere sweaters. This was after her mother, Amma, said she wouldn’t send her to the Army/Navy football game. Ma Mere was going to do whatever it took to attend that game with her friends. By the time Amma was able to call the dorm to tell Ma Mere she better not sell those sweaters, Ma Mere had already sold the sweaters, “chartered” (ala hopped in) a crop duster airplane with her profits and scooted off with her friends to the game. She had a ball. Rule breaker or genius? Or both?

Ma Mere could also be found back in the day out on the town with her lady pals elegantly sipping bourbon out of little tea cups from time to time. I can’t say I didn’t borrow that trick in my day.

My mom’s rule breaking was a little more heavy on the “resourceful” side. She has been known for such things as flipping bacon with the tips of her acrylic nails when the tongs weren’t handy, buying a paint-pen that was a “similar” color to her car to “patch up” a “parking lot side-swipe-paint-swap”. She also wore a beautiful shower curtain chic-ly wrapped around her as a gown to a formal affair (only to receive many glowing reviews). Eat your heart out Saks!

When I taught 4th grade boys for a blink, I always gravitated more to the disruptive, wild kiddos. Yes, they were frustrating, but something in their spirits were very relatable. I’ve had my run-ins with the law (and/or principal) from as early as 5th grade when I was suspended from school for filling in Mad Libs with dirty words with some (non-RF) kids on the playground. I ended my “under 21” career with a few more drinking tickets (and community service hours) than I’d like to admit. And if there is “company” (as they used to call them in the Dukes of Hazzard) within a handful of miles, you can bet that patrol man is pulling me over for something. Anything really. (And I would be remiss not to mention my constant rule breaking in the  grammar department (apologies;))

I have the utmost respect for the RF—and I need them in my tight circle to keep me straight. Here’s to all you RFs out there! Thank you for your patience (and for those of you who have certainly had your share of dumpster-dives assisting  me in the location of my phone during the last two decades). I love an RF –admittedly, especially when you sway to the dark side for a bit ;)

As I said—we all break and bend on occasion, but we are hard wired to trend as either an RF or non-RF. Which are you?

Wishing you all a week of flying straight this week. (To the best of your ability, that is.)

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. I love this article, Garrett, and it helps me understand (and appreciate) the 3 Non-RF’s I am closest related to… you know who they are!!

  2. Sweet Cathy! You know I love a non-RF– especially yours! I hover in the middle mostly these days, but love to be reminded that its really just in our DNA and we are all here to help balance one another :) RF’s help keep us walking straight and narrow when necessary :) Patience is a virtue– Thank you for all that you have for my family too! We love you! Love to all!! xoxox

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